Welcome to the IPHROS information hub. This is the place where the community shares, discusses and advances all things IPHROS. While attending a series of talks at MIT in 2016, I became aware of IPHROS - Integrated Pumped Hydro (storage) Reverse Osmosis (desalination) System. This IPHROS information hub started in 2021 after reading an article in the San Diego Union Tribune about the Desalination Development Act co-sponsored by Representative Mike Levin (D-CA). Missing from current or planned projects to provide clean water for southern California was the consideration of IPHROS. A version of IPHROS, termed IPHROCES, is being advanced by Oceanus P&W and EDF in Latin America.
Thinking locally, one might ask how many individual projects collectively are needed to provide enough clean water and energy storage for southern California? How are municipal water authorities collaborating with energy providers? How can clean water and energy storage projects be done differently, for less capital and less operating costs while producing more? How have other regions or countries tackled these issues? What are the unintended consequences of IPHROS? What are the consequences of doing nothing? Combining proven RO desalination with proven pumped hydro storage seems obvious. A paradigm shift is needed. Now.