A good technical summary of IPHROS or IPHROCES by Oceanus Power and Water can be viewed in the US Department of Energy HydroWires report published April 2022. The report shares a technology description, technology evaluation, and evaluation summary. Estimates for project cost, project timing, LCOS of $174 to $230 per MWh, project risks, scalability and applicability, operational flexibility for a 100 to 500+ MW capacity project are provided.
Link to report: https://publications.anl.gov/anlpubs/2022/05/175341.pdf
Source: "Integrated PSH and Desalination Plant", A Review of Technology Innovations for Pumped Storage Hydropower, pp77-82. Vladimir Koritarov, Jonghwan Kwon, Quentin Ploussard, Patrick Balducci, U.S. Department of Energy HydroWires, April 2022.