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The answer is IPHROS. SEEC members ask questions about EV infrastructure readiness.

The Hill published an opinion piece Jun 10, 2022 titled, "Ensuring our power grid can fuel the influx of EVs coming down the pike" by Representatives Sean Casten (D-IL) and Paul Tonko (D-NY) and Senator Jack Reed (D-RI). Discussed was the significant increase in EVs purchased and the growth expected, and the resultant charging network and clean energy grid required to support this demand. Key questions asked by the opinion contributors are shared here. "What does the grid of the future necessary to sustain our transition to EVs look like? What promising technologies should our nation be investing in to get us there? How do we ensure the latest chargers are interconnected? What about for light duty vs. heavy duty vehicles, or urban vs. rural areas?" They describe the introduction of the "Electric Vehicle Grid Readiness, Improvement, and Development (EV GRID) Act" in both the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. The Act would "direct the U.S. DOE to conduct a study and develop a plan to prepare..."

An answer for the EV GRID Act in California is IPHROS.

An answer for the Desalination Development Act in California is IPHROS.

Two questions. One answer.

Source: The Hill (Driving in the Future) opinion article by Representatives Sean Casten (D-IL) and Paul Tonko (D-NY) and Senator Jack Reed (D-RI), Jun 10, 2022.

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