As Hayley Smith reported in the Union Tribune, a statewide proposal could usher in a wave of water regulations. It was reported this week that Lake Mead, the nation's largest reservoir, is about 34 percent of capacity. As California and other western states tip towards crisis, adopting emergency regulations are near. The article reports that most California water agencies are on board with the latest proposal to conserve an estimated 100,000 acre-feet of water. This appears to be just the start of more conservation measures under consideration, and certainly a paradigm shift in dealing with the challenges. Adel Hagekhalil, Chief Executive of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, stated, "We can't conserve our way out of our challenges. We need bold actions and investments in recycling and reuse, local water supplies, rain capture systems and storage, remediation and recharge of groundwater basins and projects to build connectivity and flexibility in how we move water."
Source: San Diego Union Tribune report by Hayley Smith, Dec 8, 2021.